G-Watch Constructive Engagement Workshop

The workshop was part of G-Watch's "Training on G-Watch as a Social Accountability Approach" from April 2-9, 2011.  ANSA-EAP was given 2 days for a constructive engagement workshop. The aim of the workshop was to engage participants in the value of social accountability and constructive engagement between government and civil society, and how these are linked to the initiatives of GWatch.  It shall have the following specific objectives:

  1. Explain constructive engagement, as sustained dialogue and collaborative problem-solving within the GWatch context, and how it is concretized in the following processes or requirements:
    • Dialogue between citizens and government in the course of citizen monitoring of public resources and performance
    • Having clear guidelines for decision making and handling conflicts among citizen monitors and government partners
    • Creation of public value which in the GWatch frame refers to good governance and better public services
  2. Identify issues and challenges involved in constructive engagement among key actors (citizen groups and local government)
  3. Identify strategies and tools for constructive engagement in a multi-stakeholder partnership
  4. Conceptualize ways and means of adapting these tools and strategies to the GWatch environment
  5. Plan concrete actions in strengthening constructive engagement in GWatch