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G-Watch is an independent national action research organization that works to promote dialogues in the Transparency-Participation- Accountability (TPA) field. It ultimately aims to contribute in the deepening of democracy through the scaling of accountability and citizen empowerment.

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Browse our latest documents and publications covering G-Watch Monitoring Manuals, Governance Reform Studies, Political Democracy and Reforms (PODER) Publications, and Vertical Integration Research.

Gaps and opportunities in the access and quality of RMNCA health services in the Philippines: A Review of Existing Evidence

In this report, G-Watch presents its review of evidence on the access and quality of reproductive, maternal, newborn, children and adolescent health (RMNCAH). The report summarizes key points from 80 related reports, studies and documents reviewed, presenting the profile of Philippine health governance, including the legal framework, the key policy actors, and the major programs and services; the barriers and challenges in the access to quality reproductive, maternal, neonatal, children and adolescent health; and the relevant gaps and opportunities. 

The Importance of Accountability in Fiscal Reforms: Learning from G-Watch’s Multi-Level Monitoring of Health Budget from Sin Tax

The 10th issue of TPA Now! looks into the accountability system in health fiscal reforms, particularly in the spending of health budget from the Sin Tax.

A guide to civil society multi-level monitoring: the Multiply-Ed Philippines experience

Based on more than two decades of experience of Government Watch (G-Watch), simple and easy-to-use monitoring tools enable civil society to monitor government policies, programs and services. Monitoring tools make a highly technical process of monitoring accessible to and doable for citizens, allowing them to check whether standards set in government’s policies and plans are followed in the actual implementation and facilitating their generation of actionable evidence that inform their advocacies and proposed actions to governments. The experience of Multiply-Ed further validates this.

Dissonance Spotting: Multi-level Engagement of G-Watch Accountability Frontliners and the Contrasting State of Philippine Governance during COVID

The paper, the ninth in the TPA Now! Paper Series that started in 2021, shows the strength of using multi-level context analysis and engagement in enabling citizen movements to be strategic — to have a nuanced understanding of the state of governance and democracy; to identify entry points; and strategize in a context of closing civic space and to set agenda for future advocacies.


Documentation Report on the 2022 G-Watch National Meeting and Learning Exchange: Learning With, For and About ‘Accountability Frontliners’

Last March 3-8, 2022, Government Watch (G-Watch), in collaboration with Accountability Research Center, convened its leaders all over the country for its first national in-person event: the 2022 G-Watch national meeting and learning exchange held in Pasig and Baguio.