Infusing Reform in Elections: The Partisan Electoral Engagement of Reform Movements in Post-Martial Law Philippines

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In the Philippines, since the end of martial law, civil society has been hailed as “the savior of governance,” playing the roles underperformed by the government or filling the gaps in the services needed by the people. One of the most crucial elements of civil society engagement in the Philippines is its reform work that is varied and encompassing. These actors constitute a large portion of what is being referred to as reform movements in the Philippines, which consist also of the reformers in government, political parties, local government units and other arenas.

The book centers on the engagement of the reform movements in partisan electoral politics, particularly in presidential elections, as part of their efforts for reforms. The book chronicles the engagements of these groups and actors in 1992, 1998, 2004 and 2010 presidential campaigns, drawing lessons that can guide future actions in advancing reforms through partisan electoral engagement.

Table of Contents

  • Foreword
  • Introduction: Democratization, Civil Society and Electoral Partisanship for Reforms
  • Chapter 1: Testing the Waters of a Newly Restored Democracy
  • Chapter 2: Back to the Grassroots, Forward to the Mainstream
  • Chapter 3: The Compromise that Binds
  • Chapter 4: The Clash Echoes through History
  • Synthesis: Reform in Elections and Institution-Building
  • References