Browse our documents and publications covering G-Watch Monitoring Manuals, Governance Reform Studies, Political Democracy and Reforms (PODER) Publications, and Vertical Integration Research.
This provides report from the project, COMELEC Budget Watch.
This paper explains the significance of digital convergence to poor countries. It offers a measure to address the insufficiency of the institutional environment to keep up with the convergence process, to clarify policy ambiguities pertaining to the rules of competition and interconnection.
This provides full transcription of the high-profile seminar on charter change in 2008.
This paper is espousing that liberalization of professional and educational services will enhance economic competitiveness of the country in medium to long terms.
This paper reviews the recourse to emergency powers by four presidencies and examining the intended and unintended consequences.
This paper prescribes more practicable ways to avoid difficulties in the operation of public utilities, brought about by constitutional limitations.
This paper on the party list system explains the importance of proportional representation and the nature of the party list as a political party.
This paper argues that Islamic tradition can permit a Bangsamoro Federal Islamic State within a secular democratic system.
This discussion series reflected, examined and investigated the lessons and prospects of the involvements of societal forces in the contestation of state power.