
Browse our documents and publications covering G-Watch Monitoring Manuals, Governance Reform Studies, Political Democracy and Reforms (PODER) Publications, and Vertical Integration Research.

Guidelines for the Sustained National Implementation of CSO Participation in the Department of Education (DepEd)
Guidelines for the Sustained National Implementation of CSO Participation in the Department of Education (DepEd) (Draft)

This strategy paper is a comprehensive guide for the sustainability of CSO-government engagement in the Department of Education (DepEd).


ARTA-RCS Study cover
Enhancing the Anti-Red Tape Act (ARTA) Report Card Survey (RCS): A Report to the Civil Service Commission

There is a need to look at how the RCS can be improved in assisting the frontline agencies in ensuring “prompt, efficient, honest and high quality” delivery of services. 

This research aims to provide recommendations to the CSC on how the ARTA-RCS can be improved in effectively assisting the frontline agencies in reducing red tape in their delivery of services by:


Ateneo FactCheck 2013
Ateneo FactCheck 2013

FactCheck 2013 aims to produce materials that will convince the reform constituencies to engage electoral reform advocacies and the elections to advance and sustain the gains of reforms.


Poolitikang Pinoy 2013 (PoP 2013)
Poolitikang Pinoy 2013 (PoP 2013)

PoP 2013 is a data pooling initiative of the Ateneo School of Government (ASoG) that aims to arm the citizens with facts and data on candidates for and selected critical issues relevant to the 2013 elections, thereby, facilitating and empowering their engagement as political actors during elections.


Stability and Performance of Political Parties in Southeast Asia Philippines, Party-Less No More? (Emerging Practices of Party Politics in the Philippines)
Stability and Performance of Political Parties in Southeast Asia: Philippines, Party-Less No More? (Emerging Practices of Party Politics in the Philippines)

The study conducted by the Philippine research team aims to baseline the organizational performance and stability of selected political parties in the Philippines. From the parties’ profiles, we extracted some comparative points that will allow elucidation on the overall picture of party performance and stability in the Philippines.


The State of the Reform Agenda under Aquino (A Mid-Term Audit of the Reform Agenda)
The State of the Reform Agenda under Aquino (A Mid-Term Audit of the Reform Agenda)

This reform agenda assessment seeks to review the accomplishments of the administration of President Aquino in the first half of his term.


Civil Society Participation and Education Spending of Philippine Cities
Civil Society Participation and Education Spending of Philippine Cities

This paper presents the result of the exploratory research conducted by a research team of Ateneo School of Government that studied the impact of civil society participation on the responsiveness of local spending for education.


2013 Elections Rapid Assessment
Ateneo FactCheck 2013/ PODER Rapid Assessment of the 2013 Elections

This assessment is part of the Ateneo FactCheck 2013, presented during the Ateneo Post 2013 Election Summit. 


Monitoring Health: A Guide Based on the Experience of Subay Kahimsog
Monitoring Health: A Guide Based on the Experience of Subay Kahimsog

This is an easy-to-use guide on how to implement a community based monitoring of the health program of a local government unit (LGU) using the tools and methods developed in the implementation of Subay Kahimsog in Dumaguete City.


Monitoring Education: A Guide Based on the Experience of Edukasyon sa Naga, Salmingan Ta!
Monitoring Education: A Guide Based on the Experience of Edukasyon sa Naga, Salmingan Ta!

This is an easy-to-use guide on how to implement a community based monitoring of education service delivery of a local government unit (LGU) using the tools and methods developed in the implementation of Edukasyon sa Naga, Salmingan Ta! monitoring initiative.

