Based on more than two decades of experience of Government Watch (G-Watch), simple and easy-to-use monitoring tools enable civil society to monitor government policies, programs and services. Monitoring tools make a highly technical process of monitoring accessible to and doable for citizens, allowing them to check whether standards set in government’s policies and plans are followed in the actual implementation and facilitating their generation of actionable evidence that inform their advocacies and proposed actions to governments. The experience of Multiply-Ed further validates this.
MultiplY-Ed (X-Ed) is a youth-led, multi-sectoral, and multi-level accountability initiative on education. It is a project of the Center for Youth Advocacy and Networking (CYAN), Government Watch (G- Watch), and the Student Council Alliance of the Philippines (SCAP) that aims to improve transparency, participation, and accountability in education governance, particularly the implementation of learning continuity plans for Senior High Schools and the transition to face-to- face classes post-COVID.
Multiply-Ed volunteer-monitors used monitoring tools to check the state of learning continuity capacity of the public education system. This Guide walks citizens through the various monitoring tools developed and used by X-Ed, presenting the key concepts behind X-Ed monitoring, the processes undertaken, the different parts of the tools and how to use them and how data and information from the tools are processed to come up with recommendations and proposals to government to help improve public policies and services.
With the publication of this Guide, Multiply-Ed aims to multiply volunteer-monitors to widen and sustain its reach and gains. More importantly, this Guide ensures that knowledge from the X-Ed experience is captured and shared, paving the way for continued growth and development of the movement for inclusive, resilient and quality public education in the Philippines.